Easy Steps to Cleaning Travel Stroller

Did you know that the stroller is possibly the germiest kid's item in your household? Well, it is in fact very likely according to this in-house experiment on common household objects. At its worst, a stroller can house germs twice as much as those in a bathroom floor. Yikes!

Stroller cleaning can seem like a needlessly complex task at first. But knowing the right approach can make cleaning travel stroller more manageable and effective. On that note, we're giving you the ultimate checklist for baby stroller maintenance. From pre-cleaning steps to deep cleaning fabric components; from maintaining non-fabric parts to post-cleaning procedures; we'll tackle them all together!

Unsure which travel stroller to get? Read here for the best stroller to travel with. If you are looking for more information on how to travel with a stroller, read here for more details.


Table of Contents

Pre-cleaning Steps for Cleaning Travel Stroller

First off, empty your stroller. Remove any baby gear, toys, blankets or other items that might be hiding in the storage basket. You'll be amazed (or not) at what turns up.

Next, get rid of loose dirt and crumbs. Use a handheld vacuum if there is one available to reach those tricky seams and corners.

Last but not least, detach all removable fabric components. For maximum safety, refer to the instructions provided in your stroller's manual before beginning.

Taking these steps will make sure your cleaning process goes smoothly and effectively—because no one wants a half-cleaned travel stroller.


Deep Cleaning the Fabric Components

The travel stroller's fabric components can collect a lot of dirt and stains over time. Thus, to give them a deep clean, you'll first need to remove any loose debris on sight.

  1. Utilize a vacuum cleaner or brush to eliminate loose crumbs and dirt. Use a fabric brush to remove stubborn marks and clean hard to reach areas.
  2. Next, it's time for spot cleaning. Treat stubborn marks with stain remover. Apply directly on the stain and let it sit before wiping it off.
  3. The last step involves washing the stroller fabric if they are removable from your stroller. Check manufacturer guidelines before tossing it in the wash though. If machine washing is not recommended, fabric air drying or hand washing using mild detergent will do just fine.

To dry these components after cleaning, avoid direct sunlight as this may cause fading over time but air drying outside gives an extra fresh feel.


Cleaning Non-Fabric Components of Your Travel Stroller

Non-fabric parts of your travel stroller, like the frame, cup holder, and wheels, need a different approach. Begin by wiping away any loose dirt or grime with a damp cloth.

For tougher stains, make use of mild soap mixed with water. Remember to dry these components thoroughly after cleaning to avoid rusting.

A toothbrush can help get into those hard-to-reach spots. And don't forget about the wheels. They're likely in need of some TLC after navigating various terrains on your travels.


Safety Latches and Harnesses

The safety latches and harnesses are crucial for securing your little one during trips. Make sure you clean them well but be gentle so as not to damage their functionality.


Maintaining Cleanliness Between Deep Cleans

To keep your stroller looking its best between deep cleans, consider carrying baby wipes for quick spot treatments. Disinfectant wipes, while great at killing germs, should be used sparingly due to potential corrosion risk over time.


Post-Cleaning Steps for Your Travel Stroller

Once you've given your travel stroller a good scrub, don't rush to use it right away. Some post-cleaning steps are crucial to make sure the stroller is ready and safe for your baby.

The first thing after cleaning should be thorough drying. Damp spots can lead to mold growth, which isn’t something you want near your child. So, let it air dry or use a soft cloth.

Next up is checking all moving parts like wheels and brakes; they need to work smoothly for safety reasons. If needed, apply some oil on the joints but remember—no excess water or oil.

Last but not least—give everything another once-over before putting back any removable fabric pieces that were washed separately.

Have you heard of the TernX Carry On? The fabrics for the TernX Carry on is easily removable and is machine washable, making it easy to keep your travel stroller clean.

No more hassles to stroller cleaning!


Regular Maintenance Tips for Your Travel Stroller

Taking care of baby strollers doesn't stop at cleaning. Regular maintenance is key to keeping it rolling smoothly. Here are a few handy tips.

Check the Wheels: These take on most of the strain, so make sure they're in good shape. Keep them clean and free from debris that could get lodged and cause damage.

Lubricate Moving Parts: This can help prevent rusting and keep things moving freely. Use a smaller vacuum cleaner if it does the job, but avoid overdoing it as this can attract dirt.

Safety Harness Check: Inspect straps for signs of wear or tear regularly to ensure safety isn't compromised during travels.

A well-maintained stroller not only lasts longer but also ensures safer rides for your little one.


How Do Professionals Clean Prams?

Professional pram cleaning is more than just a quick wipe-down. It's a detailed process that gives your travel stroller the deep clean it needs.

The pros start by disassembling the pram, separating fabric components from non-fabric ones. They then pre-treat any stains using specialized cleaners.

Fabric parts are either hand-washed or machine-washed, depending on their care labels. The frame and wheels get scrubbed with brushes to remove dirt and grime.

All pieces are thoroughly dried before reassembly to prevent mold growth. And voila. Your pram looks brand-new again.


What is the Best Thing to Clean a Pram With?

Cleaning your pram effectively requires the right cleaning supplies. A soft fabric brush or cloth, spray bottle, lukewarm water, and mild detergent are usually enough for general cleaning.

For tougher stains on fabric parts, you might need a stain remover. Just make sure it's safe for use on baby items! Instead of chemicals, use warm and soapy water to give the fabric a fresh look. Meanwhile, you can vacuum debris before it builds up and use wipes to keep parts of the pram clean-on the go.

If you already have one at home, a steam cleaner can help disinfect parts of the stroller without using chemicals.


How Do You Clean Fabric from a Pram?

Cleaning the fabric of your pram can be simple if you follow these steps.

  1. First, remove all detachable fabric parts like the seat and canopy.
  2. Next, give them a good shake to get rid of crumbs or loose dirt.
  3. Soak in warm water mixed with gentle baby-safe laundry detergent for about 30 minutes.
  4. Rub stains gently but don't scrub as it might damage the material.
  5. Rinse thoroughly until no soap suds are visible then allow it to dry away from direct sunlight which could fade colors.

If machine washing is allowed (check manufacturer's guide), use cold water on a delicate cycle then line dry.

Remember that frequent heavy washing may wear out fabrics faster so spot cleaning is recommended when possible.


Importance of Cleaning a Travel Stroller, Pram or Pushchair

Cleaning your travel stroller goes beyond washing the surface. Dust, food particles, and spilled drinks can turn into breeding grounds for bacteria if not cleaned regularly or properly. Thus, you should take every cleanup seriously and use it as an opportunity to disinfect the travel stroller. This should help protect your baby even from threats that aren't immediately visible.

Strollers are constantly exposed to various elements—think park grime or airport floor dirt. So cleaning them often ensures that your little one isn't coming in contact with these harmful substances.

Allergy-causing dust mites can also find their way into the fabric components of a baby stroller, making regular clean-ups essential to prevent allergic reactions.

A clean stroller will not only keep germs at bay but also extend its lifespan by preventing rusting and damage from accumulated debris. Plus, let's be honest: pushing around a shiny clean pram feels better.


Tips for Removing Stroller Stains and Odors

Stains on your travel stroller can be stubborn, but they're no match for a good cleaning routine. Here's how to tackle them:

  • Milk Spills: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Combine white vinegar and water, let it sit on the stain for 15 minutes then blot with a clean cloth to remove milk spills.
  • Juice or Fruit Puree Marks: A mixture of baking soda and water works wonders here. Just make sure you rinse well after application.

If odors are an issue, baking soda is again your best friend. Sprinkle it over dry fabric areas where smells linger, wait 30 minutes (or overnight if possible), then vacuum up any residue left behind. You can also look to your stroller manual for additional stain treatments and cleanup recommendations.


Can I Machine Wash the Fabric on a Stroller?

If the fabric can be detached, then it's likely that you can also wash them with a washing machine. Spot-treat any stains with mild soap and water then machine wash on a gentle cycle in cold water. Then let it dry to prevent shrinkage.


What is the Best Solution to Clean a Stroller?

Soapy water or a mix of warm water and mild detergent works well for cleaning both fabric and non-fabric parts of a stroller. For tougher grime, use baking soda or vinegar diluted in water.


Can You Hose Down a Stroller?

Hosing down is okay for hard parts like wheels and frame but avoid getting too much water on the fabric components as it may cause mold or rusting of metal parts underneath.


How Do You Deep Clean a Jogging Stroller?

To deep clean, start by vacuuming crumbs off then wipe all surfaces using soapy warm water. For stubborn dirt spots, use an old toothbrush. Don't forget to lubricate moving parts after drying.


Stroller Cleaning Summary

Cleaning a travel stroller doesn't have to be a mountain of work. You've got the roadmap now. Pre-scrubbing, extensive scrub down, post-scouring—it's all mapped out for you. Bookmark this blog post for your easy step by step guide to stroller cleaning.

And let’s not forget regular maintenance because cleanliness isn’t just about looking good; it's also about hygiene and safety. 

Enjoy your vacation with a clean stroller!

Keep your travel stroller by using a stroller travel bag. Read here for more information.

Unsure whether your travel stroller can be brought onto the plane? Read here for the different carry on sizes for Airlines.





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